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Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Week 2; 20-24.09.2010; Types of learning intelligence

Image resource : Google Images

Watch this video http://www.videojug.com/interview/types-of-intelligence-2.

-according to what type of dominant intelligence you have ,try to summarize what new things you have found out from this video related to your intelligence
-write down your comment under this post
-pay attention ,you cannot edit your comment
-do not copy-paste parts of the lecture, that is called plagiarism
-deadline :25.09.2010

Find out what kind of intelligence you have following the link : http://www.nedprod.com/Niall_stuff/intelligence_test.html

-read the sentences carefully
-answer with yes/no
-do not miss any question
-write a comment at this post about your dominant intelligence

Reminder :
These results reflect an aptitude for a particular intelligence, not an actual measure of that intelligence.


  1. After I've done the test I found out that my dominant intelligence is in 95% Logical-Mathematical. I've out from Mr.Louis Puglies that Logical-Mathematical works with numbers in his thinking and now after I know that I can say it's very true. Because when I was thinking at something I had numbers in my head that helped me with it.

    Thank you Mr.Louise Pugliese

    Tiberiu S.

  2. After I've the test I found that my dominant types are Naturalist an Visual Spatial (100%).I've so amazed because i was thinking that I am an Linguistic but it was 97%. X(

  3. The comment that is with Naturalist and Visual is Mihai R.'s Sorry for not posting my name X(

  4. After I have done the test I found out that my dominant type of intelligence is Interpersonal – 93%. The second type is Bodily-Kinesthetic – 80%, and the third type is Musical-Rhythmical – 77%. From Mr. Louise Pugliese I found out that Interpersonal can understand the motivations and needs of other people.

    Thank you for this interesting test, teacher!

    Tirnacop Adriana

  5. After the test I did I learned that my intelligence is dominant on the following:
    1) interpersonal
    2) Visual-Spatial
    3) Linguistic
    Mirea T.

  6. After the test I did I learned that my intelligence is dominant on the following:
    1) interpersonal 95%
    2) Visual-Spatial 86%
    3) Linguistic 82%

    Sorry for previous comment
    Mirea T.

  7. After I finished the test I saw my intelligence dominant is Musical with 100% . But I have naturalist 88% and linguistic 80% . Andrei M.

  8. After I have done the test I found out that my domninant types are:Linguistic and Bodily Kinesthetic (82%).The second type is Interpersonal 80%,and the third type is Logical Mathematical 71%.From Mr.Louise Puglise I found out that Linguistic can understand and express spoken and written language and I found out that Bodily Kinesthetic can perceive and duplicate bodily movements.

    Cristina S.

  9. Afetr I finished the test,I saw than my intelligence dominant is Interpersonal with 89%, because I like understant people and give advices and linguistic 75%, because I like the linguages .

    Ioana S.

  10. After I have done the test I found out that my dominant type of intelligence is Visual Spatial-100%.The second type is Logical Mathematical-95%,and the third type is Musical-86%.
    From Mr.Louise Pugliese I found out that Visual Spatial is the ability to organize visual information.

    Anca M.

  11. Your chance to get a 10 ! Look at " Week 2;26th September-European Day of Languages"

  12. After I have done the test.My dominant intelligence is Logical Mathematical with 97%.The second type is Visual Spatial with 68 %.

    Cosmin R.

  13. FEEDBACK WEEK 2- Types of Intelligence

    Total posts -9
    Missing posts from : Adrian G; Andreea M. ; Ionut P.; Alexandra S.; Clara M.
    Corina P.

    Cristina S.- Linguistic and Bodily Kinesthetic , Interpersonal, Logical Mathematical

    Cosmin R.- Logical Mathematical, Visual Spatial

    Ioana S.- Interpersonal, linguistic . Pay attention when express yourself – a lot of mistakes in the post !

    Mihai R-Visual-Spatial , Naturalist , Linguistic

    Adriana T.- Interpersonal , Bodily-Kinesthetic, Musical-Rhythmical : Glad you liked it !

    Anca M.- Visual Spatial, Logical Mathematical, Musical

    Tiberiu S. – Logical mathematical

    Teodor M. – Interpersonal, Visual-Spatial, Linguistic

    Andrei M – Musical, Naturalist , Linguistic
